My name is Amit. I’m a freelance UX designer living and working in Israel.
I specialize in UX design for complex services, particularly those tailored to support efficient workflows within work environments.
With an extensive background spanning over 20 years in the high-tech industry,
both in Israel and North America, I've had the pleasure of designing products from start to finish.
This includes conducting thorough user research, aligning with business goals and strategies, crafting concepts, creating detailed user interfaces, directing helpful insightful usability testing, and ensuring visually appealing visual designs (UI).
Looking forward to working with you!

The Israeli User Experience certification program
Staff member & lecturer
A leading product experience design agency
UX Design Architect - Freelancer
Connects the top 3% of freelance talent all over the world
Product Designer - Freelancer
Specializing in high-end SAP based enterprise user-experience solutions
Head of UX, enterprise and government segments
The Israeli Defense Force
Product Design mentor

Functional Animation In UX Design
A good UX designer can easily explain the logic behind each decision in a design concept.
Sooner or later, animation will be introduced to the wireframe concept, and then making design decisions or explaining them becomes harder. Reasons such as “It will be cool!” or “It’s trendy” are exactly the areas where a design starts to lose its strength.
Animations deserve a far better ground in our design considerations.